In this episode we talk about the Friends model of the membership society and in this case it’s the Membership Officer of the Royal College of Music Siti Osman.

The RCM is a top conservatoire in the UK and Europe attracting local and international talent – with students coming from 56 nations; they have approximately 900 students studying at one time.

The Friends and Family loyalty membership is aimed at attracting friends and family members of the students.

There are lots of talks from leading academics and special events.

Siti talks about how they offer priority events and how they promote it to their Friends scheme. For less than £4 a month you can become a member of the Royal College of Music and its such a great way to support their students. The RCM have a number of Ambassadors which are loyal “friends” and so the power of this word of mouth is very strong.

If you want to find out more about the RCM go visit Home | Royal College of Music (