Executive Roundtables


Build relationships and authority by sponsoring an Executive Roundtable Dinner

GORDON GLENISTER is an international authority on influencer marketing and community engagement.

Partner with him for an executive dinner with your ideal clients.


Find and agree on your ideal clients – 10-12 of them (with your guidance) and invite them to a private dining experience at a top London restaurant or club which will include 3 course dinner and half a bottle of wine per person within a budget of £2000.

Moderate the discussion over dinner about a key topic of your choice and engage everyone to actively be involved.

Find you a suitable venue for the event and manage the dietary requirements and communication to the guests.

The atmosphere created is driven by having the best balance of guests that suit the topic.

Guests opinions and thoughts are tabled in a white paper by us which is then sent post event along with photos of the event and those that participated.

Communicate with all those invited but couldn’t attend offering them the report and introducing you.


Guests like the very personal invitation and the fact it’s not an email blast list.

We find that guests love to be involved and often don’t want the session to finish.

Guest get new connections and business cards, proving the value to them.

Guests want to attend future events with you which helps with your brand engagement.

You become a high valued connection rather than someone trying to sell them something.

Those that couldn’t attend feel a feeling of missing out when reading the white paper and we find were happy to meet up with the sponsor later meaning that the level of client engagements could be triple.

All guests are key decision makers and you as the sponsor them will be with them for at least 3 hours to network with.

Some sponsors at our previous events have seen an annual sale value of £100k post event and commented this is a highly effective way to get to senior decision makers.


" Gordon has helped me curate and run a series of roundtable dinner events. His enthusiasm and authority are key to ensuring that the event works well and that the attendees participate and enjoy themselves. The guests have always been of a high quality and represent a broad mix from within the industry, which makes for a valuable and lively discussion. The follow up report that Gordon and I put together, received great feedback from not only the attendees but also from those not able to attend. This has helped me better understand the Creator Economy and raise the profile of this group within my organisation. "
– Director of Wealth at Leading Investment Bank

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