GGA Agency

High Impact Influencer Marketing One Day Course

So Why Choose GGA? 

Our team has worked with some of the largest global brands and has a deep knowledge of all forms of digital marketing. We ensure any campaign aids and abets the broader marketing mix. No marketing channel should live in a vacuum.

Our decisions are backed by data insights, ensuring that every move we make is optimised in line with objectives and results. Numbers tell a story, and we listen.

We don't just execute campaigns; we tell stories with real authenticity. Without authenticity it’s just noise.

Empower Your Employees to Become Brand Ambassadors 

Empower Your Employees to Become Brand Ambassadors

Unlock the Potential of Your Workforce 

In today’s competitive market, your employees are your most valuable asset. While influencers can play a role in promoting your business or product, there's an untapped potential within your own workforce. By transforming your employees into brand ambassadors, you can harness their collective voice to spread your brand’s message far and wide.

The Power of Employee Advocacy 

When employees are engaged and empowered, they become passionate advocates for your brand. Their authentic and genuine endorsements resonate more deeply with customers, building trust and credibility. Here’s how our program can benefit your business:

    • Enhanced Brand Visibility: With every post, share, and conversation, your employees amplify your brand’s presence across various platforms.

    • Increased Trust and Credibility: Customers are more likely to trust recommendations or job referrals from employees than traditional advertising.

    • Higher Employee Engagement: Engaged employees are happier, more productive, and loyal, reducing turnover rates and fostering a positive work environment.

    • Cost-Effective Marketing: Leveraging your existing workforce for promotion is a cost-efficient way to extend your marketing reach.

Our Tech-Enabled Approach to Employee Advocacy 

We provide a comprehensive solution to transform your employees into powerful brand ambassadors, supported by our white-labelled tech platform to manage the program seamlessly:

    • Training and Workshops: Equip your employees with the skills and knowledge to effectively promote your brand.

    • Engagement Strategies: Develop strategies to keep employees motivated and excited about representing your brand.

    • Content Creation: Assist in creating shareable content that aligns with your brand message and values.

    • Analytics and Reporting: Measure the impact of your employee advocacy efforts and optimize strategies for maximum effectiveness.

    • White-Labelled Tech Platform: Manage and streamline the entire employee advocacy program through our customized tech platform, ensuring ease of use and scalability.

Join the Movement

Empower your employees to become your brand’s strongest advocates. Contact us today to learn more about our tech-enabled employee advocacy program and start transforming your workforce into a powerful marketing force.


We’d love to explore how influencer marketing can become a pivotal force in your digital strategy.

It starts with a conversation. So let’s talk

Call us now.

Unlock your true potential

Amplify your influence and elevate your audience engagement today!