LinkedIn: 12 Great New Features For 2022 To Help Boost Your Influencer Marketing

LinkedIn is a major tool for many marketers. With the ongoing pandemic having forced major changes in how we work, what developments can we expect from LinkedIn to make networking even more accessible in 2022?

The great news is that platform has been busy rolling out new features that make it easier to build your brand on LinkedIn..

The latest LinkedIn features give you lots of new or improved ways to connect with your audience, build connections and share your content and business updates. Whether it’s your own content, great content you want to share, polls to help you understand your community’s view, or events to promote your brand, there are tools to help.

In this article I’m going to look at 12of my favourite new LinkedIn features for 2022, and what they might mean for boosting the productivity of your LinkedIn influencer marketing strategy.

  1. LinkedIn Stories
  2. Live Videos
  3. LinkedIn Polls
  4. Video Meetings
  5. Edit Messages After Sending
  6. Highlight Features
  7. Event Tabs
  8. View page followers tab
  9. Notify employees
  10. Merge your LinkedIn Accounts
  11. LinkedIn Cover Story
  12. Creator Mode


  1. LinkedIn Stories
    Available for Premium users only for now, LinkedIn stories let you add photos or videos, giving you 10-second clips where you can add text, filters, music etc to create and share engaging professional updates. Once uploaded, they will appear at the top of your feed for 24 hours giving you plenty of visibility.
  1. Live Videos
    Just like other platforms, LinkedIn Live videos now let you communicate with your communities or audiences in real-time. But there is a catch, as you need to apply first, and meet their criteria.To find out how, visit LinkedIn Live Video:
  1. LinkedIn Polls
    LinkedIn polls offer a great way to gather marketing insights and increase engagement. They allow you to create a poll between two to four options, and track percentages as your audience votes.
  1. LinkedIn video meetings
    We’re all used to virtual networking and meetings, and now you can do it direct in LinkedIn, making it a lot simpler to connect with your audience there.Here’s how: Share Video Meeting Links Through LinkedIn MessagesIf you’re meeting on the LinkedIn platform, you can currently only meet one-to-one, but they say group meetings are coming. But for now, if you want to host meetings with multiple participants on LinkedIn, it looks quite simple to connect to set up a Teams or Zoom link, share it on LinkedIn and go from there.
  1. Edit Messages After Sending
    Handy if you tend to send messages ‘on the fly’; this new feature enables you to edit, delete or recall a message.
  1. Highlight Features Post On Profile
    This is a great way to showcase your best work or products and make sure they get noticed and it’s been improved and expanded for 2022. It allows you to share your own articles or blogs, or the favourites that you’ve shared. You can also link to your external website, and upload videos, images, or presentations, and pin them so they get noticed.
  1. Event Tabs
    If you’re looking to build your audience and community on LinkedIn, they’ve made it simple to create a LinkedIn ‘event’.Here’s how: Create an Event From Your LinkedIn PageEnhance your even listing with your logo and a banner image and you’re good to go.
  1. View Page Followers Tab
    If you want to keep tabs on who is viewing your profile and posts, LinkedIn has made it easier to find this information and understand who your connections are and where they’re from.
  1. Notify Employees
    Now you can easily let your team or your employees about new posts so they can share them with their connections and boost engagement. Particularly handy if you have a remote working team whose activity is part of your marketing strategy.
  1. Merge LinkedIn accounts
    If you’ve ended up with multiple accounts, LinkedIn has now made it simple for you to merge them into one and transfer all your connections, streamlining your LinkedIn marketing efforts.
  1. LinkedIn Cover Story
    If you have a Premium profile, and the latest version of the LinkedIn mobile app, you can now add a 3-second video clip of yourself as a cover story to boost engagement.It appears on your LinkedIn profile picture, highlighted so people can spot it more easily.
  1. Creator Mode
    For influencers who create their own great content, I’ve possibly saved the best for last.LinkedIn announced Creator Mode in 2021, and if you create content it’s a great feature. It allows you to share the topics (hashtags) you talk about most with your community and makes it easier for them to find and follow your posts, helping you to grow your reach and influence.There’s an easy to follow guide on LinkedIn to help you get started: LinkedIn Creator Mode(Be aware though, The Creator Mode feature has been launched gradually so it might not be available to you yet and you may have to be patient a little while longer.)

These are my twelve favourites for 2022, but there are a whole host of other improvements that will make LinkedIn work better for you.

They’ve made it easier to save posts to read for later, added features to help recruiters and job seekers and enabled you to more easily save posts to read for later – ideal when you’re busy.

For a complete round-up, check out SocialChamp’s detailed blog here:

And if that’s not enough for you, Mark Williams on LinkedIn makes some predictions about how he thinks LinkedIn is going to be developing over the next year or so.

From income generation to improvements in ways to promote services, Mark has some great predictions. We know LinkedIn have been looking at ways that content creators can be financially rewarded, and Mark has some ideas about how that might happen – from points via your digital wallet to which can be saved up and exchanged for cash rewards to allowing a subscription fee for your original content, to a ‘tip jar’ allowing people to make donations. Only time will tell how many become reality!

Read it here:

And finally, for some insights into what LinkedIn might be focusing on in the future, have a look at their insights into what they think is going to change the world over the next 12 months.

29 Big Ideas that will change our world in 2022

If you’d like to explore how to build an effective influencer marketing strategy, let’s talk.

Gordon Glenister is the author of a new book, Influencer Marketing Strategy. Learn:

  • how to build an influencer strategy
  • what makes a great influencer
  • about the rise of Clubhouse and TikTok
  • about future digital trends for connecting with a digital customer

Order your copy from Kogan or Amazon

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