Exclusivity Creates Value

When you set up a membership club, you want the right people at the right price to join. I see countless examples where associations try and offer the same package to all their membership types and that often doesn’t work. You may want to consider a premium, platinum, VIP, patron or fellow type membership.

The Supper Club have an exclusive community that offers a unique gathering of entrepreneurs of a certain size, in fact there is a minimum entry level that is shown on the home page. So whilst smaller based businesses may feel turned off, those that are able to access immediately feel valued right at the entry point. Its made clear that CEOs of a certain size want to network with each other in a closed community.

In my previous association where I worked, we created a patron package which was a closed group of 20 companies from the supplier and distributor channel and they could only join by invitation. The package was based on a 2 year term and included a number of benefits, one of which was a dinner at the House of Commons or a private members club. This allowed members to network at the highest level and they were prepared to pay for this. We also created a special logo for them to use.
Friends of a theatre could sign up to a membership, which means that they get to meet the cast at special screenings and have access to theatre tickets ahead of the main sale.

Fellows are often assigned to individuals that have served with the association for a number of years and seen as ambassadors. Can you create something special for your VIP community that is not accessible for others just think how you feel when you go to an event as a VIP. Recognition among peers is also an important element to consider. So here are my thoughts for VIP members:

  • Exclusive event or preview to a show
  • An opportunity to contribute on a white paper
  • Have their logos on your website home page or letterhead
  • Additional discounts or services or maybe a number of products in an inclusive bundle
  • A visible badge or logo that they can use on their comms

If you want to know more about creating a premium or VIP membership please contact me here.

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