Executive VIP Influencer Marketing Program

Executive VIP Influencer Marketing Program

Become a key person of influence and build a strong personal brand

The Personal Brand Assessment?

Are you an expert in your niche? Are you looking to become an influencer to your audience?‍ To get there, it’s essential to lay the foundations of a powerful personal brand.

Answer 12 questions in this assessment, and discover how to raise your profile, amplify your authority & attract new clients.

What is the Executive VIP Influencer Marketing Program by Gordon Glenister

Gordon Glenister is a global expert on influencer marketing and specialises in advising companies and people about becoming an expert in their field – or key person of influence

So do you have any of these concerns

  • Feel that you have a lot of knowledge but it’s not cutting through online
  • Find it hard to grow a social media presence
  • Sometimes not sure where to go or where to start
  • Sometimes have imposter syndrome, others around you seem better qualified
  • Want to maybe write or speak more but things aren’t going in the right direction or you don’t simply have enough time
  • Feel like that despite your efforts you are simply not generating enough income
  • Feel like you are always chasing people while few come to you

My Executive VIP influencer marketing program has been designed for you in mind. There are no powerpoints, there are no tests, there isn’t hours and hours of homework, there is nothing that doesn’t relate to YOU!

My aim is help you

  • Generate more income and charge higher prices
  • Have prospects and clients come to you rather than you do all the work
  • Have your content seen my a wider audience
  • Help you create a niche that help you be KNOWN for something

The data proves that consumers are more likely to trust influencers than they are brand content. 92% of consumers trust recommendations from others, even people they don’t know, over branded content
– Social Times

So what happens?

  • We meet initially for a brief call to make sure I can help you deliver your goals
  • If we work together we meet on zoom every 2 weeks for 1.5hours and for 3 months In total (6 sessions) and go through a structured but flexible approach to defining a brand proposition
  • We work on google sheets to enable our ideas to be captured and include timeline tasks
  • In between this time, there may well be some email exchange to ask/answer any questions

We go through a process

Well I treat you as I would in developing a brand, first and foremost we start with a WHY? Whats the purpose of what you do and why should you be the person to deliver it. There are a series of questions we ask to help me understand this

Session 1 – Discovery

In this session we discover what you stand for, where your expertise is and who else is competing in your space.

  • Review analysis of your competitors and exemplars
  • Understand your motivations ,passions and skills
  • Review branding styles for logos, websites and people
  • Decide what we can focus on to create maximum impact
  • Discover what support you need

Audio Testimonial from James Comptom , Founder & Consultant at Business Analysis Expert Academy

Session 2 – Align

In this session we will work together on creating your identity and branding message and reviewing your social media footprint.

  • Agree on your primary influencer niche – ie what you stand for
  • Layout ideas for your social media bios and online footprint
  • Look at colour choices that reflect your persona
  • Introduction to Canva and other tools to build up your asset base
  • Showcase other ideas to promote your brand

Session 3 – Influencer Strategy

In this session we will work together to focus on one or two major objectives that will get you noticed, and this could be PR, Podcast, Book, Speaker slots, Reports, Campaigns as examples. We will also work how important it is to have the right mindsight

  • Map out ideas to promote your personal brand and a timeline
  • Explore conferences, shows, magazines, reports, and create a plan
  • Create a 30 day content plan for at least one of the online platforms
  • Explore tools and support staff to enable goals achieved
  • Consider brands to work with and create a media deck for working with you

Testimonial from Dr. Nikki Ramskill , The Female Money Doctor

" Working with Gordon has been a great experience. In the 3 months we worked together he has helped me to shape some effective marketing strategies to increase my brand visibility. He has offered numerous recommendations and suggestions that will keep me going for years to come! I'm now on track for reaching my social media follower goals, and have a new found confidence in putting out what works. I always get compliments on the quality of my content marketing videos on sites like tiktok and instagram. In fact, one recent tiktok video got over 120,000 views! And this was through auditing my content, and competitors' content to see what resonates with my audience. Gordon encourages continuous testing and trialling and holds you accountable. He has also been great at introducing me to people in his net work and inviting me to attend events he has been involved with. I highly recommend working with him if you want to take your influencer marketing seriously. Thanks Gordon! "

Session 4 – Refer

We will explore your networks and relatable organisations that could help you do grow your influence and connection base

  • Explore relevant communities that you could be part of
  • Understand the key personnel within these people and we will together create a relationship strategy
  • Connection to my community – key personnel maybe beneficial to you that I will personally introduce you to
  • You will create a small group of HIP (highly influential people) often connectors that you will be able to work with to build your influence
  • Introduction to a referral framework

Session 5 – Evaluate

Look at how to evaluate your progress

  • Understand how to measure everything you do
  • Set goals that are achievable, and visualise them ie (SMART)
  • Set up a database to measure your success in relation to others
  • Have regular catch ups with your (HIP)
  • Keep growing your knowledge – what events/courses to consider

Video Testimonial from Tom, Business Consultant

Session 6 – Personal Content Plan

Create your first 1 month content plan – my team will help you do this by using Canva

  • We will start you off with a design for your social media graphics and your first 1 month plan. (not video)
  • These graphics will be a mixture of reels, posts and carousels
  • They will embody your colour and messages
  • You will need to post and comment accordingly

Video Testimonial from Zak Stahlsmith, CEO and Founder of ApexDrop

Video Testimonial from Karen Hutchings, CEO of Goose Island Fashion

" I met Gordon during 2021 through a mutual friend and quickly became interested in his work in Influencer Marketing, Marketing Strategy and Branding. Gordon has done an excellent job in consolidating some of my marketing efforts and producing a framework around which I've started to build a better marketing strategy and online brand. He is deeply innovative and when he works with you, it's clearly evident that he is passionate about your success. Gordon is highly knowledgeable in his field, well-connected and authentic. "

Due to Gordon's time, we can only take on a few clients at a time.Let's start off with a Discovery Call and see if we are the right fit for each other.

Unlock your true potential

Amplify your influence and elevate your audience engagement today!